ADHD Journal

Welcome to the official landing page for the ADHD Journal Android and iOS apps! The purpose of the ADHD Journal app is simple. Allow people with ADHD to have a safe and secure place where they can journal things they think about, events going on in their lives, and help users improve symptom management. Any data that you store in the Journal itself is encrypted with AES-256 bit encryption and lives on your device. Soon I'll be rolling out a feature that allows you to backup and sync your Journal between any iOS and Android device with your passwords and other settings encrypted using RSA encryption backed up onto Google Drive. The feature is almost ready for release.

Here's how the app came to be:

I started this project out of a mental health science experiment I did on myself to try and get symptoms under better control that were running rampant in December 2021. I published the Journal on the Play Store in January 2022 and released the iOS edition in June 2022.

Here's the link to my GitHub project for you to look through if you're interested: